Navigating the GUI

PenguiNet has 3 bars enabled by default. The menu bar, the toolbar and the window switching bar. The toolbar and window switching bar can both be disabled through the View menu option.

The toolbar enables shortcut access to various pieces of functionality. These icons do the following (from left to right):

The window switching bar appears (by default) at the bottom of the PenguiNet window, and works in much the same way as the Windows task bar. Active sessions appear on this bar and you can click on each entry on the bar to display that session window. Sessions can also be minimised to this bar.

The menu and toolbar can be moved to any side of the application window by simply dragging and dropping to the new location. Click the raised "handle" which appears at the far left of each bar by default to enable dragging. The window switching bar can only be positioned at the top or the bottom of the application. This is also achieved by dragging and dropping.